About Us

A new world awaits you through the red door!

Aims of the Academy:

  • To provide quality music education for adults and children that is tailored to individual needs.
  • To open the door to a world of discovering new horizons in skills, fun, enjoyment, therapy, discipline, concentration, listening and team work through music.
  • To improve the social status of Ndlambe through these new skills making our town the place in which to bring up children.


Sandy Maclachlan is the sole owner of the Academy and experienced teachers have been contracted for their expertise.
Children and music are her passion in life. Her dream to start a Music Academy is to share this passion, use her teaching experience positively to help develop listening skills, speech skills, learning to pitch, improve concentration, co-ordination skills, team work, co-operation and learning to read music and play an instrument.
As music does not necessarily form part of the curriculum at all schools – there is a need to provide musical opportunities for all children rather than a chosen few
Research has linked active music-making with increased language discrimination and development, maths ability, improved school grades, better-adjusted social behaviour and improvements in “spacial – temporal reasoning” – a cornerstone for problem solving.
Mathematical reasoning is enhanced by musical training; listening to music can facilitate learning to read: increasing children’s awareness of speech sounds – this is important in learning to “sound out” words; there is a significant correlation between rhythm performance and both reading and spelling.

Academy Teachers

Our Academy House boasts teachers with valuable life experiences and aim to give students the maximum possible values music can teach

Sandy Maclachlan

Sandy Maclachlan


Margie Hammond

Margie Hammond


Paul Hone

Paul Hone


Get In Touch

082 740 7293

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